Reopened school libraries make eager readers.
Attentive adults make confident readers.
Bilingual parents support K-2 classrooms.
School gardens make young nature lovers.
Farm field trips make joyful children.
Essay contests celebrate young writers.
A Zone of Peace is our hope at Historic Fair Hill.
Dear Friends of Historic Fair Hill,
2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in the US. We honor Lucretia and James Mott and Robert and Harriet Purvis, abolitionists and early women’s rights activists, who are buried here.
To carry forward their work for human rights, we work with partners to make our neighborhood safer and to support our neighborhood public schools for Fairhill children.
We were recognized as a Zone of Peace by the Religious Leaders of Greater Philadelphia. Visitors come to the site for history tours, to walk dogs under the great trees, to sit quietly, to take home fresh vegetables from the children’s gardens, to enjoy peaceful and happy community gatherings.
We re-opened and operate libraries in two Fairhill schools for 1200 students, tutor 100 children, pay bilingual mothers to assist in eight K-2 classrooms. With your help, every year, more children work in the gardens and read high-interest books, and we can pay our bilingual parent assistants a higher salary. Reading scores are rising.
Your annual gift is helping more Fairhill children thrive despite the obstacles in their way.
Thank you.
Jean W, Baird, Sally, Jean H, Jessika and Hollister