by Ciara Vargas and Jess Graciani, HFH literacy staff
Historic Fair Hill (HFH) along with Read by 4th is presenting La Fuerza de Familias Latinas literacy workshops to families in our partner schools. We were trained and now are offering the workshop to parents.
La Fuerza de Familias Latinas supports Latinx families with educational practices and resources for literacy, emotional, and social development. This 5-session workshop is offered free of charge and includes instruction, group discussion, and parent bonding.
The workshops have three steps: Story, Voice, Action.
Our workshop participants share stories, tips, and life experiences that affect their children’s learning. They make friendships with other families and build a community dedicated to their children’s academic success. Parents are trained and empowered to lead workshops themselves.
Here is what the parents said.
“Increible taller! Fue una semana de muchas risas, anecdotas y tips pero sobre todo de aprendizaje. Tener la informacion en la mano para tener una mejor comunicacion y enseñanza con nuestros hijos sin tomar en cuenta la edad es algo grandioso. Definitivamente fue una buena semana!!”
– parent attendee