The Fairhill Burial Ground has been certified as a Level 1 Arboretum by ArbNet, an international arboretum accreditation and networking program.
Our Arboretum is made up of 144 trees, including 51 different species, growing in our five acre site. We have some beautiful old deciduous trees including some species that, because of our isolation, have survived common diseases. An example is our huge American Elm which has survived the destruction of Elms through the pervasive Dutch Elm disease. Our Arboretum marks one of the only remaining sections of green space and tree canopy in the Fairhill section of Philadelphia. The area surrounding Historic Fair Hill suffers from extreme heat island effect and our tree canopy provides a small bit of neighborhood relief.

ID | Common name | Latin Name | Circumference | Status |
AC-1 | Shadblow Serviceberry | Amelanchier Canadencis | MS 11′ 2″ | Mature |
AC-2 | Shadblow Serviceberry | Amelanchier Canadencis | 1′ 5″ | Mature |
AC-3 | Shadblow Serviceberry | Amelanchier Canadencis | MS | Mature |
AP-1 | Ohio Buckeye | Aesculus Pavia | 1’1″ | Adolescent |
APM-1 | Japanese Maple | Acer Palmatum | MS 1′ 8″ | Post Mature |
APS-1 | Sycamore Maple | Acer Pseudoplatanus | 2xT 5′ 4″- 3′ 5″ | Mature |
AR-1 | Red Maple | Acer Rubrum | 11′ 9″ | Post Mature |
AR-2 | Red Maple | Acer Rubrum | 9′ 2″ | Mature |
AR-3 | Red Maple | Acer Rubrum | 11″ | Young |
AS-1 | Silver Maple | Acer Saccaharium | 5’1″ | Mature |
AS-2 | Silver Maple | Acer Saccaharium | 3′ 9″ | Mature |
AT-1 | Paw Paw | Asimina Triloba | 2xT 2′ | Mature |
AT-2 | Paw Paw | Asimina Triloba | 3xT 6′ 8″ | Mature |
AT-3 | Paw Paw | Asimina Triloba | N/A | Young |
AT-4 | Paw Paw | Asimina Triloba | N/A | Young |
AT-5 | Paw Paw | Asimina Triloba | N/A | Young |
AT-6 | Paw Paw | Asimina Triloba | N/A | Young |
AXG | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Tree Form) | Amilanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’ | 1′ 6″ | Adolescent |
AXG | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Tree Form) | Amilanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance | 1′ 10″ | Adolescent |
AXG | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Tree Form) | Amilanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance | 1′ 9″ | Adolescent |
BN-1 | River birch | Betula Nigra | MS3 10′ 5″ | Adolescent |
CAS-1 | American Chestnut | Castanea Dentata | 2xT 2′ 6″ 3′ 6″ | Mature |
CAS-2 | American Chestnut “Dustan” | Castanea Dentata | 6″ | Young |
CAS-3 | American Chestnut “Dustan” | Castanea Dentata | 6″ | Young |
CAS-4 | American Chestnut | Castanea Dentata | N/A | Young |
CAS-5 | American Chestnut | Castanea Dentata | N/A | Young |
CAT-1 | Northern Catalpa | Catalpa Speciosa | 11′ 2″ | Post mature |
CAT-1 | Northern Catalpa | Catalpa Speciosa | 11′ 2″ | Post mature |
CC-1 | Eastern Red Bud | Cercis Canadensis | MS 3′ | Young |
CC-2 | Eastern Red Bud | Cercis Canadensis | 1′ 2″ | Young |
CC-3 | Eastern Red Bud | Cercis Canadensis | 3′ 3″ | Mature |
CC-4 | Eastern Red Bud | Cercis Canadensis | 2xT 4′ 1″ | Mature |
CC-5 | Eastern Red Bud “Alba” | Cercis Canadensis (Alba) | N/A | Young |
CC-6 | Eastern Red Bud “Neon Red” | Cercis Canadensis | N/A | Young |
CF-1 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus Florida | 2xT 3′ 4″- 2′ 11″ | Mature |
CF-3 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus Florida | 2′ 8″ | In decline |
CF-4 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus Florida | 3′ 9″ | Post mature |
CF-5 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus Florida | 2′ 9″ | Post Mature |
CF-6 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus Florida | 1′ 7″ | Adolescent |
CF-7 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus Florida | 2xT 8′ – 7′ | Mature |
CK-1 | Asian Dogwood | Cornus Kousa | N/A | Young |
CK-2 | Asian Dogwood | Cornus Kousa | N/A | Young |
CK-3 | Asian Dogwood | Cornus Kousa | N/A | Young |
CLA-1 | American Yellowood | Cladistis Kentukea | 4’11” | Mature |
CLA-2 | American Yellowood | Cladistis Kentukea | 3′ | Mature |
CM-1 | Cornelian Cherry | Cornus Mas | MS 11′ 10″ | Mature |
CO-1 | Hackberry Tree | Celtis Occidentalis | 2xT 6′ | Mature |
CS-1 | Hawthorn | Crataegus Species | MS 6′ | Mature |
CS-2 | Hawthorn | Crataegus Species | MS 8′ | Mature |
DK-1 | Oriental Persimon | Diospyrus Kaki | Mature | |
DK-2 | Oriental Persimon(jiro) | Diospyrus jiro | Mature | |
FC-1 | Fig | Ficus Carica | Clump MS | Mature |
FS-1 | Ash | Fraxinus Species | 11′ 9″ | In decline |
GBI-1 (F) (Fast) | Ginko | Ginko Biloba | 7′ 3″ | Mature |
GBI-2 (F) (Fast) | Ginko | Ginko Biloba | 13′ 6″ | Mature |
GBI-3 (M) (Fast) | Ginko | Ginko Biloba | 9′ 9″ | Mature |
GBI-5 (F) | Ginko | Ginko Biloba | 6′ 10″ | Marture |
GD-1 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | Gymnocladus Dioica | 1′ 10″ | Adolescent |
GT-1 | Thornless Common Honeylocust | Gleditsia Triacanthos Var. Inermis | 3′ 10″ | Mature |
JN-1 | Black Walnut | Juglans Nigra | 9′ 1″ | Mature |
LDT-1 | Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron Tulipifera | 9′ 10″ | Post Mature |
LDT-2 | Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron Tulipifera | 5′ 9″ | Mature |
LDT-3 | Tulip Poplar “little Volunteer “ | Liriodendron Tulipifera | 4″ | Adolescent |
LDT-4 | Tulip Poplar “little Volunteer | Liriodendron Tulipifera | 4″ | Adolescent |
MG-1 | Dawn Redwood | Metasequoia | 3′ 3″ | Mature |
MG-2 | Dawn Redwood | Metasequoia | 10″ | Mature |
MGR-1 | Southern Magnolia | Magnolia Grandiflora | 4′ 3″ | Mature |
PC-1 | Common Pear | Pyrus Comunis | 5′ | In decline |
MS-1 | Flowerin Crabapple | Malus | MS 12′ 6″ | Post Mature |
MS-2 | Flowerin Crabapple | Malus | 5′ 3″ | Post Mature |
MS-3 | Flowerin Crabapple | Malus | 10″ | Young |
MS-4 | Flowerin Crabapple “Pink Sparkles” | Malus | 6″ | Mature |
MS-5 | Flowering Crabapple | Malus | 5′ 8″ | Mature |
MS-6 | Flowering Crabapple | Malus | 7″ | Young |
MST-1 | Star Magnolia | Magnolia Stellata | MS 7′ | Adolescent |
MST-2 | Star Magnolia | Magnolia Stellata | MS 13′ 6″ | Post Mature |
MXS-1 | Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia x Soulangiana | MS 2′ 8″ – 2′ 8″ | Mature |
MXS-3 | Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia x Soulangiana | MS 10′ | Mature |
MXS-3 | Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia x Soulangiana | Clump | Post Mature |
PA-1 | Cherry Tree | Prunus Avium | 6′ 8″ | Adolescent |
PA-2 | Cherry Tree | Prunus Avium | 10′ 2″ | Adolescent |
PAF-1 | London Plane | Plantanus Acerifolia | 5′ | Mature |
PAF-2 | London Plane | Plantanus Acerifolia | 4′ 9″ | Mature |
PAR-1 | Armenian Plum | Prunus Armeniaca “montrose” | MS 10′ | Adolescent |
PAR-2 | Armenian Plum | Prunus Armeniaca “montrose” | MS 10′ | Adolescent |
PN-1 | Black Pine | Pinus Nigra | 5′ 3″ | In decline |
PO-1 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 1′ 11″ | Adolescent |
PO-2 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 11′ 2″ | Post Mature |
PO-3 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 8′ 8″ | Post Mature |
PO-4 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 9′ 11″ | Post Mature |
PO-5 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 10″ | Young |
PO-6 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 4′ 9″ | Mature |
PO-7 | Sycamore | Plantanus Occidentalis | 4′ 10″ | Mature |
PRP-1 | Nectarine | Prunus Persica | MS 7′ 4″ | Mature |
PRP-2 | Peach | Prunus Persica | MS 10′ 7″ | Mature |
PRP-3 | Peach | Prunus Persica | MS 7′ | Mature |
PRP-4 | Peach | Prunus Persica | Mature | |
PRP-5 | Peach | Prunus Persica | 1″ 5″ | Young |
PS-1 | Eastern White Pine | Pinus Strobus | 5′ 2″ | Mature |
PS-2 | Eastern White Pine | Pinus Strobus | 7′ 6″ | Mature |
PS-3 | Eastern White Pine | Pinus Strobus | “2xT 8′ 5″”” | Mature |
PS-4 | Eastern White Pine | Pinus Strobus | 9′ 1″ | Post Mature |
PSK-1 | Kwanzan Cherry | Prunus Serrulata “kwanzan” | MS 9′ 8″ | Mature |
PSK-2 | Kwanzan Cherry | Prunus Serrulata “kwanzan” | 9″ – 9′ 5″ | Adolescent |
MO-1 | Black Mulberry | Morus | MS 3′ 2″ | Mature |
PSR-1 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | MS 2′ 9″- 1′ 10″ | Adolescent |
PSR-2 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | 6′ 10″ | Mature |
PSR-3 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | 5′ 10″ | In Decline |
PSR-4 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | 2xT 5′ 9″-8′ | In Decline |
PSR-5 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | 11′ 5″ | Post Mature |
PSR-6 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | MS 12′-7′ | Young |
PSR-7 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | MS 5′ 10″ | Young |
PSR-8 | Cherry “Pink Flair” | Prunus Sargentii | 6 | Mature |
PSR-9 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | 2′ 3″ | Mature |
PSR-10 | Black Cherry | Prunus Serotina | 2′ | Young |
PYS-1 | Fruiting Pear | Pyrus Species? | 8″ | Young |
PYS-2 | Fruiting Pear | Pyrus Species? | 7″ | Mature |
PYS-3 | Shinsui Pear | Pyrus Pyrifolia | 7″ | Young |
QA-1 | White Oak | Quercus Alba | 2xT 1′ 2″ | Adolescent |
QA-2 | White Oak | Quercus Alba | 18′ 8″ | Post Mature |
QA-3 | White Oak | Quercus Alba | 7′ 7″ | In Decline |
QA-4 | White Oak | Quercus Alba | 3′ 9″ | Mature |
QA-5 | White Oak (salem oak) | Quercus Alba | N/A | Young |
QA-6 | White Oak | Quercus Alba | 8′ 5″ | Mature |
QB-1 | Swamp White Oak | Quercus Bicolor | 2′ 7″ | Adolescent |
QB-2 | Swamp White Oak | Quercus Bicolor | 2′ 2″ | Mature |
QB-3 | Swamp White Oak | Quercus Bicolor | 1′ | Adolescent |
QB-4 | Swamp White Oak x Post Oak | Quercus Bicolor x Quercus Stilata | 3′ 8″ | Adolescent |
QC-1 | Scarlet Oak | Quercus Coccinea | 8′ 9″ | Post Mature |
QCM-1 | Swamp White Chestnut Oak | Quercus Michauxii | 3′ 7″ | Mature |
QCM-2 | Swamp White Chestnut Oak | Quercus Michauxii | 2′ 2″ | Mature |
QL-1 | White oak/hybrid | Quercus Species | 1′ 7″ | Adolescent |
QL-2 | White oak/hybrid | Quercus Species | 3″ | Young |
QM-1 | Burr Oak | Quercus Macrocarpa | 2′ | Adolescent |
QM-2 | Burr Oak/ comfirm acorn possible montana | Quercus Macrocarpa | 2′ | In Decline |
QMO-1 | Chestnut Oak | Quercus Montana | 2′ 8″ | Mature |
QPL-1 | Pin Oak | Quercus Palustris | 9′ 1″ | Post Mature |
QPL-2 | Pin Oak | Quercus Palustris | 12′ 8″ | In Decline |
QPL-3 | Pin Oak | Quercus Palustris | 5′ 8″ | Post Mature |
QPL-5 | Pin Oak | Quercus Palustris | 10′ 2″ | In decline |
QPL-7 | Pin Oak | Quercus Palustris | 10′ 5″ | In Decline |
QPL-8 | Pin Oak | Quercus Palustris | 13′ 3″ | Post Mature |
QR-2 | Red Oak | Querus Rubra | 7′ | Post Mature |
QRO-1 | English Oak | Quercus Robur | 2′ 10″ | Adolescent |
QRO-2 | English Oak | Quercus Robur | 1′ 7″ | Adolescent |
QS-2 | Oak species unknown | Quercus Species | 6′ 10″ | In-decline |
QS-3 | White Oak species unknown | Quercus Species | 2′ 5″- 11″ | Young |
QRX-1 | Oak Hybrid | Quercus Rubra x | 11′ 7″ | Post Mature |
QRXP-1 | Red Oak x Pin Oak hybrid | Quercus rubra x Palustris | 12′ 4″ | Post mature |
QV-2 | Black Oak | Quercus Velutina | 3′ 6″ | In Decline |
QV-3 | Black Oak | Quercus Velutina | 7′ 9″ | Mature |
QV-4 | Black Oak | Quercus Velutina | 2′ 5″ | In Decline |
RP-2 | Black Locust | Robinia Pseudoacacia | 4′ | In Decline |
RP-3 | Black Locust | Robinia Pseudoacacia | 11″ | In Decline |
RP-4 | Black Locust | Robinia Pseudoacacia | 2xT 5′ – 4′ 11″ | In Decline |
RP-5 | Black Locust | Robinia Pseudoacacia | Post Mature | |
RP-6 | Black Locust | Robinia Pseudoacacia | 6′ | Post Mature |
RP-7 | Black Locust | Robinia Pseudoacacia | MS 6″ | Post Mature |
TA-1 | Linden | Tilia Americana | 11′ 9″ | Post Mature |
TC-2 | Little leaf Linden | Tilia Cordata | 1′ 11″ | Young |
TD-1 | Bald Cypress | Taxodium Distichum | 7′ 8″ | Post Mature |
TD-2 | Bald Cypress | Taxodium Distichum | N/A | Young |
TP-1 | Western Red Cedar (Green Giant) | Thuja Plicata | 2″ | Adolescent |
TSC-1 | Eastern Hemlock | Tsuga Canadensis | 1′ 7″ | Young |
UA-2 | American Elm | Ulmus Americana | 5′ 3″ | Mature |
UA-5 | American Elm | Ulmus Armericana | 12′ | Post Mature |
VI-1 | Viburnum (shrub) | Viburnum | Multiples trunks | |
ZS-1 | Zelkova | Zelkova Serrata | 5′ | Mature |